Chamber of Commerce, Monticello Illinois

Featured Events

Lunch with Santa 2024

All Aboard!!

Join us for Lunch with Santa on the Train at the Wabash Depot in Monticello, Illinois!
A holiday favorite with kids of all ages.

Enjoy a train ride, an individual visit with Santa, and a kid-friendly lunch.
Reserve your tickets!

Lunch with Santa on the Train

Chamber Bucks

  • Available at the Chamber office.
  • Great gift idea or employee thank you.
  • Sold over $7200 in 2020 to promote local shopping.
Order your Chamber Bucks by phone at (217) 762-7921 or (800) 952-3396.
VISA and MasterCard are accepted. 
Sorry, we cannot offer refunds on Chamber Bucks, nor can they be redeemed for cash value at the Chamber Office or at participating businesses.

Redeem your Chamber Bucks at businesses displaying this decal!

Current Participating Businesses

What is a Chamber Buck?